James stressed that Original Georgia Bulldogs Football Diamond Heart Shirt he did not consider Morey to be “misinformed” about his understanding of the Hong Kong protests. Instead, James believed Morey remained “misinformed” on how China would react to his tweet. James reiterated that message in a pair of tweets shortly after speaking to reporters. When did the post say LeBron James didn’t have to care about China? It’s saying that people need to stop trying to attack the racial justice movement with the “but china this and that” Some people aren’t saying things for social brownie points they’re saying things they actually believe to have a genuine meeting of the minds. You are not Chinese.
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You do not live an Original Georgia Bulldogs Football Diamond Heart Shirts Chinese experience and you do not understand Chinese politics. Most Americans who speak on anything related to China sound legitimately brain dead. Without a thorough investigation, Americans are just parroting conspiracy theories, because that’s what those are. Americans also believe that North Koreans are mandated to have the same haircut and don’t think Kim Jong Un. LeBron doesn’t know a thing about China, 99% of Americans don’t, so they should stay out of discussions about it. Both issues definitely deserve attention. Nonetheless, Lebron deserves all the criticism property, he got because he defended China.
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