30 minutes into Jody’s Wisternoff mp3 rip of the LiveStream and I’m getting the “feels” all over again. Oh, how I miss Way Out West. So glad Jody is still around! I can’t believe it was a little over an Official Black Girl Mashup Wonder Woman Shirt. I was very tired for day 2, but this set was just the perfect amount of chill! So shortly after I posted that they announced Anjunadeep 09 and a bunch of Jody & James’ missing tracks lol. I haven’t double-checked but Pjanoo filled them all in on 1001. And I guess the Save Lions / Jason Ross set might have been one of those sets better live than watching it from stream…because at least the live chats were a bit meh towards it.
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One of the most magical weekends I’ve ever experienced. Brought my gift to her first ABGT event. It was her third time seeing them and my seventh. I was also at ABGT 100. But damn The Gorge was such an Official Black Girl Mashup Wonder Woman Shirt. The views from the hill were incredible. DIdn’t even bother going down into the pit once on Saturday. Every set the whole weekend was the fire. Above & Beyond continue to amaze me every time they throw an event or shot. Favorite sets of the weekend? Gotta go with that Seven Lions b2b Jason Ross set as my favorite of Saturday (other than A&B of course) and a tie between 16 Bit Lolitas and Eli & Fur on Anjunadeep Day.
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Everything on Anjunadeep Day was incredible, but those two really stood out to me for some reason. Let me just say that watching the Official Black Girl Mashup Wonder Woman Shirt really makes it obvious how HUGE the crowd was. It didn’t feel massive at the event though. Thanks, Anjunafamily for all the memories we made together at The Gorge. I can’t wait to do it again for 300 and on. I guess you had to be there. The lights and bass were cranked way up compared to A&B and it definitely was more intense. Not saying it was bad just different vibe that the video doesn’t quite do justice – just rewatched it yesterday. I like Seven Lions and stayed for the whole set but my buddies that went all out Sat enjoyed it more, and they were definitely in full kid mode!
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