- I mean the planet is trashed and the machines rely on the planet Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt for their fuel. Makes sense they would need a way of brainstorming ideas(really hard for pure logic robots) so they run a simulation on creatures who have shown able and willingness to solve impossible problems. Keep them bored as 99% of them will be Fodder, Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt but the 1% that show promise can be lead into situations where they can farm those ideas. I thought it was a metaphor for workers rising up and Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt revolting just to learn that someone still has to be the boss and both make the decisions/ take responsibility… one great season with the Eagles that ended in the divisional round of the playoffs and never had a winning Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirtrecord outside of that? I just can’t hate this dude. Once I stepped back from being frustrated by his dominance as a Boston fan
- The just seems like a big kid that’s loving every day and giving back how Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt he can on and off the court. This is exactly right, he’s a big happy kid loving life. I understand why people Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt would be frustrated playing him obviously but he’s clearly a good guy. Jaylen is the same for me. He’s good but he’s CLEARLY a good dude who cares and it’s impossible for me to dislike a guy like that even if he destroys my team. I liked the stories of Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt Kaepernick giving $10K or $30K to random nonprofits and they literally didn’t know what to do with that money because their funding was nothing like that. Its his money but he’s making it in a system where more of it should be going to redistribution, charity Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt based safety net is a horrible way to do things and really it’s a tax on kindness.
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- If you say that Embiid needs to give more money away, people yell Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt at you. It’s the same argument – rich people have way too much money and it is unethical to hoard that wealth when there are people seriously struggling in the world. Because “give more money away” is arbitrary. Similar to how Joel donated $500k last year to Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt laid off Wells Fargo Center workers, why does the onus fall on him and not the people above him? I’m all for a social safety net. You can’t demand people give their money away though. It’s counterproductive to flame the people who donate for not donating the Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt enough (within reason). As much as people hate Joel Embid, you got to realize he basically puts on a character to either get in people’s head or to entertain but outside of basketball is a different kind-hearted man. It’s ridiculous to apply it to someone like Joel or pretty much 99% of athletes ever (and the no one is really doing that in this thread.
- This shouldn’t be news. And when I say that I don’t mean that it’s not as important as the NBA games. What I mean is that these types of acts should be so normalized that it’s no longer news. That’s also not to Hot 28 Years 1993 2021 Jurassic World Shirt say that good Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt deeds done by the players shouldn’t be broadcasted. It should just be more common. Please check that math before repeating it, I did it myself. Honestly, solar cells weaved into fabrics are amazing. I was touring an energy lab run by the DoE and they had these Great 1 Motocross Ride Like A Girl Shirt canvas tents that had solar cells in them. When visiting Pakistan as a child, I remember there was a group of Uzbek (Uzbekistan) women who would come over to my aunt’s house and just have tea every afternoon. Seeing people with East Asian features who spoke/followed local customs was a trip. Anglo nations and it’s the main reason why per capita things are worse.
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