The right-wing still eat this stuff up. One of my conservative Christian co-workers said that we must go to war in the Middle East to fulfill the prophecy of Armageddon. What a nutjob. They are completely under the control of Zionist Israel and they don’t know it at all. It goes much deeper than that I saw some documentary about how some Jewish Zionists literally wrote in a Firefighter American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt. There’s a documentary on Vimeo -Wikileaks linked it. Most Christian pastors love war. Most of them wrote letters of support and many if not all that did not express any concern to the Iraq ear aftermath. There is a big movement of Orthodox Jews against the Palestinian genocide.
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Snopes and this wiki link are controlled. Remember these people control the media and the internet. This is deep my friend. One thing to remember. The colonialists knew of the Jewish problem. It has been waging since Adam and Eve. Our American forefathers discussed extensively this. Even if this quote is unfounded, it’s still true and makes a point. It really doesn’t matter who said it. It bears fruit. This isn’t a war on Christianity, it’s a Firefighter American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt. Top tier demons give riches to those that fuck with Muslims and the reputation of the religion. Palestine has the best Muslims and great holy sites. Taking that away from the world makes it easier for satan and his minions to dominate and make way for the antichrist.
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I consider what’s happening in the US to be the modern incarnation of the Bolshevik Revolution. Even if the numbers of 65 to 100 million dead Russians at the hands of the Bolsheviks are to be believed, I think, when it’s all said and done, the death toll in the United States and Europe will be much higher. This will be remembered as one of the Firefighter American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt. I’m not sure which. You are right on. Trump is Stalin. The progression is eerily similar. Boom… waiting for the BUST. It’s the same playbook. They use it over and over again. Hitler was the SAME PLAYBOOK. They don’t teach history in school anymore. No-one could foresee this. Wake up, people.
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