- This crony, his lackeys, and his enablers. Biden must-win, but he must have a Senate and Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirt Congress that has his back to go after and prosecute the criminal behavior of this current Whitehouse. Not. Big. Enough. That’s what she said. I know we can’t get complacent but holy this is a big lead. It’s an outlier and a big one. Bidens lead has been steady at 7 for like 2 months. That’s a very good lead though. Please vote no matter what a poll says. I Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirt know we can’t get complacent but holy this is a big lead., his cronies, his lackeys, and his enablers. Biden must-win, but he must have a Senate and Congress that has his back to go after and prosecute the criminal behavior of this current Whitehouse. Not. Big. Enough. That’s what she said. I know we can’t get complacent but holy this is a big lead. It’s an outlier and a big one. Bidens lead has been steady at 7 for like 2 months. That’s a very good lead though. Please vote no matter what a poll says. I know we can’t get complacent but holy this is a big lead. It’s an outlier and a big one. Bidens lead has been steady at 7 for like 2 months. That’s a very good lead though. Yeah, it is good, but not as wide a margin as.
- Hillary vs. at this time in 2016. I’m not 100% sure that’s true. Okay here is where I got that. Please vote no matter what a poll says. Ya even if it shows behind he can still make a comeback. He did it last election and hopefully again in this one. Nobody sane or good is voting for. Nobody is a Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirt very broad generalization. I thought people were urging others to vote. The fate of the country depends on it after all. That’s why I qualified it. “Nobody sane or good.” There’s a lot of crazy people out there – just look at how many people have bought into QAnon. Lots of bad ones, too; just look at how many people refuse to protect their neighbors by wearing masks, or who happily support white supremacists. That’s, sadly, a large chunk of the populace. And they’ll lose the election of course, but more importantly, win or lose, they’ll always be sad, incapable social pariahs, who can only cover their deep, deep insecurity by shouting “MAGA”.
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- I support you, but I fail to fall into any of your categories. So where does that leave me? Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirt Okay, I’ll go vote for it. And as an American, that’s your right. I mean, it’s weird you’d mark yourself as an asshole, but ok. It’s weird that you guys are hive-minded and don’t allow for other choices. When there’s a forest fire, most people do their best not to be part of the fuel. That’s not hive-mind. That’s a survival instinct. You see but that’s your opinion, you comparing this to a forest fire shows how closed-minded you are, there is no way you are wrong, everything you think is absolutely correct all the time. There is no need for anything but what I think. Both people running for President are terrible. I only say to piss you dim-wits off, but if you want to suck Biden’s dick go ahead.
- Sure, man. I only say to piss you dim-wits off. So my initial statement was correct? Because lying to get a rise out of people is straight-up asshole behavior. Both people running for President are terrible. Yeah. The guy imprisoning children and inciting race riots is totally just the Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirt same as the guy who wants to fix the ACA instead of jumping to M4A. Man, I know you just turned 18, but you have to be a little more aware. Oh no, I wasn’t lying, I will vote for it. And again you will only put the guy you are voting for in good light. You know what Hitler was nice to animals so he must have been a good guy. I have political classes in college, I’m probably more informed than you. Still, you must see yourself as the god of all, no wrong can come from you. You’re projecting. Like, visibly. I can only surmise you’re both politically ignorant and undeservedly self-assured, as cover for what’s likely crippling insecurity. I’ll bet you’re at the best college, too.
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- Taking tremendous classes. Protest less, lady. Do you think he’s doing a good Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirt thing holding rallies in a pandemic? (Herman Cain died from it). That he lies about not being able to release tex returns and we are seeing he cheats on them too? That he goes against what the FBI says about Russian attacks? His tax cuts for the rich? Getting out of the Iran deal and making no other deal? No plan for healthcare? That he lied to get out of the army? I Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirt mean honestly, I wouldn’t be so proud that I have a college class in politics I’d be embarrassed I don’t know enough about decision making.I mean it is a Change research poll with just C- in 538 sites so. Almost all of the polling recorded by 538 over the last few days is overwhelmingly Biden. Rasmussen is a C+ that is known to heavily favor Republicans and has Biden at 8. Let’s vote and then win that civil war guys! True but I’m just signaling that this might be an outlier and that.
- I personally think that the post-debate polls will be mostly at 8 or 9 in Biden’s favor. Kentucky is probably the most backward state in the country. They’re living in their own world. Yeah, I have no doubt he’s ahead in the polling right now, but this still might be an outlier. And we can’t make the same mistake as last time and assume the national polling is going to reflect the actual results state-by-state because of Electoral College bull. Rasmussen is also known to have their polls get much closer to polling averages as elections approach. This way they can claim to be just as accurate as other polling organizations. I guess that means there is more to the pollster’s accuracy than Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirt just political Bias. Yeah, I’ve often heard (but don’t know how true it is) that “margin of error” seems to typically favor GOP. So maybe, to temper our expectations, we can look at the moe (margin of error), subtract it completely from Biden’s numbers, to set our expectations a bit lower.
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- Not really true. Obama outperformed the polls in both 2008 and 2012. In 2018, Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirt their last Generic Ballot poll was R1, while the result was D8. This is true, but valuable information can still be gleaned from terrible pollers if you watch the results of their polls over time. This is why, for example, the Rasmussen Reports +8 poll from yesterday was so noteworthy. The last Change Research poll two weeks ago had a 9 point lead for Biden, and the one before that, in the first week of September, had just a 6 point lead. In fact, no Change Research poll has shown a lead this large for Biden, including in July, when numbers were at their nadir for his response to the BLM protests. Even if 13 can’t be taken as gospel, it’s still strong evidence that Biden’s lead has jumped substantially from where it was at the beginning of September. Thanks for this actually. I hadn’t heard of pollster gradings before. Looked up their previous polls
- Seem to be in the middle of the pack in support of Biden. Happy Star War Yoda Best Brother 2021 Shirt Hopefully, that is true here. Yeah, 925 voters surveyed is a bit too little for such a huge country. The size of the country has literally nothing to do with what makes a good sample size for a poll. (Other factors do, but not the overall size.) Almost certainly an anomaly then. You can do this, America. Thanks, Canada. I hope you’re right. We’re trying! The debate hurt then? Is that the takeaway? Nah, post-debate general election polling hasn’t come out yet. Give it until early next week at the earliest. I suspect there won’t be much of a change – Biden seems locked in a 6.5-8% national lead. This poll is rated Con 538. Don’t get excited. Please go out and vote. Doesn’t matter. Vote. Doesn’t matter. It matters to me. 538 has Biden back above 8% now, which is nice. seriously, if had been up by double digits for a year the trolls would be somehow even more insufferable.
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- I know people feel burned by the 2016 election but this hand-wringing bd wetting Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirt needs to stop. We’re gonna vote this asshole out and make America America again. Same here. It won’t keep me from voting, but it does help me sleep better at night. Vote anyway. Vote as if it was still 50-50 odds, is how I think of it. Whatever polls say doesn’t matter to my drive to see the Traitor tossed out on his ear on Jan 20. Hopefully swiftly followed by numerous court cases against him. She’s got it locked. Maybe I just won’t bother going cause it’s a bit of a hassle and I’m not all that keen on her. What’s the worst that could happen? It Wonderful My 50th Birthday Quarantined Shirtdoes matter, actually. Instead of trying to farm for upvotes by trying to seem woke by mindlessly saying “doesn’t matter, vote!” You could vote AND read this and feel encouraged. But sure, cynically parroting “don’t care, vote” gets you upvotes on this sub, so go off. We’re all so proud of your slacktivism.
- Basically, a little more than half of those eligible to vote turned out to vote in 2016. And here we are. This whole show was totally avoidable. Debating with people about the nuances of carbon credits and TPP and tax law doesn’t get the majority out to vote. So, keep the message simple. I Like Ike. All the way with LBJ. Yes, we can! Make America Great Again win over Revisit Tax Code Section 2.3.5 to examine the implications of capital gains claims in a shell corporation! Turnout wins elections. Simple ideas drive turnout. Apathy lowers turnout. Perceptions that outcomes are foregone increase apathy. Sorry, there isn’t some high-minded ideology driving things. If that were the case, the fall of the US democratic order and the collapse of the planetary ecosystem should lead to a 100% turnout. But it won’t. So, get it out there that you must vote, as much as possible. Drum it into the national conscience like “don’t drive drunk”. It’s that simple.
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