Yo, we go to the Top Santa Skeleton When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Christmas Shirt same high school. Mine made the news for that also. New York, north of NYC, south of Albany. Damn, nope not new York. maybe I just heard about it but I could’ve sworn. I got in a month-long fight with my developmentally stunted aunt who insisted Allah is a different god because she took an apologetics class that told her so and I was just ignorantly doing the devil’s work as an unwitting dupe and needed to repent. I asked her if she was sure it was a different god and asked her how that could possibly be since she seems pretty certain about monotheism.
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And the existence of Top Santa Skeleton When You’re Dead Inside But It’s Christmas Shirts of only one god. Either you believe in multiple gods and Allah is a different one. Or there is only one god regardless of what you call it. She demanded I attend a cult worship session and get saved. I wrote her out of my life, bc it’s miserable enough without that level of malicious stupidity in it. That’s because when they hear the Arabic word terrorist. Muslim here. I guess you could say it’s kinda like in English we say god when referring to a mythological god..etc but use god when specifically referring to the creator.
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