- I never made $15 an hour, so my SSDI payments are based on way Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt than the proposed minimum wage. For many, they are primarily based on a minimum wage between $5.15 and $7.25. If you were making good money for the decade before you became disabled, bully for you. Lots of us were not. Manchin never sticks to the plan! Why don’t Dems all vote together no matter what like the Repubs do! The Repubs do it and Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt doesn’t care what people think. This guy always has to be massaged into voting with his own party. I get he’s in a red state but damn. I don’t support Manchin in this but it is worth noting it is not being rejected by one person it is being rejected by 51 which is the Senate majority. Further without Manchin, who won a deep red state, the Democrats would be able to accomplish fuck all until Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt 2022 at the earliest. Manchin is not a progressive if he was he probably would not be the senator for West Virginia acting.
- The like he is a villain because he isn’t toeing the party line is the democratic equivalent of the people who vilify Republicans who disagree with Trump. Make them vote No. Take the vote anyways and then when the republicans and Manchin vote No then you can plaster their Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt faces everywhere with the message that they don’t care to help people during this pandemic. You can always vote again, so make them go on record that they don’t want to help their own constituents and towns. Then blitz their area with ads about how they voted down help. I don’t understand why political ads are only during an election year. As an example, have tv ads running every month Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt about how Cruz abandoned his people during a disaster. Let people hear constantly for 4 years how he voted against helping them. I guarantee that years of hearing would make some people see the light come election day. $1 more than what Republicans have offered.
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- Thank you for a few bread crumbs, sir. Folks, $10 is laughable and $11 is unacceptable. Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt full-time workers in America should be able to have a roof over their head and food on the table. At $10, the monthly income would put you just above the cutoff for poverty to get needed assistance so once again Republicans are all about tax cuts for the very wealthy and screwing over the little guy. manchin is in an interesting position.. sure they are pissed at him.. but now he is in Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt a red state, the First time we had a dem in a long time. AND more importantly. All he has to do is change his D to an R and republicans have control of the senate again. He pissed me off as well, but I keep it deep inside, because its better to have this dem lite, than flip the entire senate. And I GUARANTEE you, he has had many offers from the right to try to get him to switch parties. So don’t jump on the guy too much. because as we attack him, the right is courting him. It’s not just politicians like Manc.
- The worst part about this is West Virginia is one of the states that this wage increase would help the most. The minimum wage in WV is 8.25. It’s not enough to live on but too much to receive a lot of the extra help. It’s bullshit really. If you have a problem with capitalism, people have been brainwashed Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt into believing, so it automatically means you are a communist lmao. They’re done talking about it if they mark a concept as communist propaganda. Fight for $15 began in 2012. Because of inflation, it should be at least Fight for $17 by now. If this passes and we get $15 by 2024, we’re already going to need another minimum wage increase or we’re defeating the purpose of Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt making life livable for minimum wage workers. I really would love to understand how I’m seemingly the only one that sees the last 10+ years of congressional stonewalling and stalling and absolute refusal to make significant legislative progress is not just a broad sign of the last death-throws of a nation in decline.
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- It just feels like the nation is fucked unless we do something, something substantial Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt and meaningful like statehood for DC + PR and if absolutely nothing else, getting rid of the filibuster. Otherwise, what good is a unified nation of states when the people’s voices no longer matter. When the elite is fine flying to fucking Mexico while their constituents are dying in the cold when 500k people have died because a government failed to manage a virus. Can someone explain to Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt me why the policy proposals for minimum wage are always a target number? It makes more sense to me to develop a living wage in the state or region, and then make policies that require employers to pay “no less than x amount” as determined by [insert fed agency]. That way the minimum wage fits the region and is determined federally. (So states can’t politically Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt manipulate the rule.) Joe Manchin has been in public office serving.
- West Virginia since 2001 holding numerous offices yet West Virginia as of January 1, 2021ranks as the 2nd poorest state in America. This guy Democtraic do-nothing version of Moscow Mitch. The democratic party should have dumped him decades ago. Who doesn’t remember Manchin’s Oscar-Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt worthy performance years ago following West Virginia school children being sickened by coal waste which was dumped into a nearby stream? It was for the ages! Since people are concerned about small businesses not being able to afford it, how about something like $10 or $12 for small businesses and $15 for big businesses. Big businesses can definitely afford it and Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt should be paying $15. Do you know what would be great? If they could stop adding earmarks to bill proposals and focus on the main objective. I think we would see a much higher rate of bill proposals passing if they didn’t have extra crap attached to it.
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- It just feels like the nation is fucked unless we do something, something substantial Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt and meaningful like statehood for DC + PR and if absolutely nothing else, getting rid of the filibuster. Otherwise, what good is a unified nation of states when the people’s voices no longer matter. When the elite is fine flying to fucking Mexico while their constituents are dying in the cold when 500k people have died because a government failed to manage a virus. Can someone explain to me why the policy proposals for minimum wage are always a target number? It makes more sense to me to develop a living wage in the state or region, and then make policies that require employers to Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt pay “no less than x amount” as determined by [insert fed agency]. That way the minimum wage fits the region and is determined federally. (So states can’t politically manipulate the rule.) Joe Manchin has been in public office serving West Virginia since 2001 holding numerous offices yet.
- West Virginia as of January 1, 2021ranks as the 2nd poorest state in America. This guy Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt Democtraic do-nothing version of Moscow Mitch. The democratic party should have dumped him decades ago. Who doesn’t remember Manchin’s Oscar-worthy performance years ago following West Virginia school children being sickened by coal waste which was dumped into a nearby stream? It was for the ages! Since people are concerned about small businesses not being able to afford it, how about Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt something like $10 or $12 for small businesses and $15 for big businesses. Big businesses can definitely afford it and should be paying $15. Do you know what would be great? If they could stop adding earmarks to bill proposals and focus on the main objective. I think we would see a much higher rate of bill proposals passing if they didn’t have extra crap attached to it. I think the stimulus relief would have been passed by now, as most Americans are in favor of another stimulus check.
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- But the house and senate keep bickering about the minimum wage issue that Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt is attached to the stimulus relief and nothing is getting approved. The 15 dollar min. wage apparently in the bill will be gradual, and people won’t see that 15 dollar raises until something like 2024 to my understanding. People aren’t making it now with the 7.25 min wage and are having to work 2 jobs and rely on government assistance programs. There was a study that showed, even if people get the 15. dollar min. the wage they still might have to work 2 jobs. The sad thing is, by the time 2024 rolls around the min. wage will need to be raised even higher to keep up with inflation. I Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt really hope we can get a Democrat who actually cares about the people, who cares about things like raising the min. wage to keep up with inflation to primary this DINO. I just don’t understand why Dems wouldn’t put something into the bill that forces a raise in min. wage based on inflation on a year-to-year basis.
- It’s wrong how Manchin wants to be so bipartisan with the Republicans who never wanted to work with us during the Trump Administration. All he’s doing is alienating his Democratic voters and we’re the ones with the voting power in elections. If the minimum wage kept up with inflation it Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt would be about $24 an hour. $15 is already insultingly low, if we accept $11 we might as well just quit trying altogether. We need mass labor strikes to hurt the 1% where it counts. I’ve been in a union since I got out of high school and every contract it’s a war just to get our raises. It’s time for the American people to realize the power they have and quit asking for things, demand Super Great 2 Captain America Shirt them. The cost of things new going up but who’s pocketing that money? The guy delivering milk doesn’t make more money, the farmer isn’t making more money, the store isn’t Premium 31 Mum Shark Doo Shirt getting a larger cut. There are always some billionaires buying another vacation home off of the raises in cost. If milk goes from 1.25.
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