This is gonna be a cool series. I’ll never forget ESPN literally keeping all of his stats above the scoreboard on TV the entire game he was getting so much attention that season. An Official Dinosaur T-Rex Mashup Kansas City Chiefs Shirt used to go watch Trae play in HS and raved about his passing. Said his ppg was incredible. But running the offense he just had a feel for things worlds beyond those around him. We genuinely didn’t listen or care. I’ve considered doing an ‘After They Were Drafted’ companion piece that highlights the kneejerk reactions to all of the highlighted rookies. But I’ll see how this series pans out first. This is amazing. I was a Trae doubter myself and am happy to admit he is much better than I expected (on offense at least).
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I remember watching Trae Young mixtapes on Instagram several years back. He looked legit but I would have never guessed he was going to be a lottery pick and a so far great NBA player. Those mixtapes can be deceiving. I know no 5’8 guard star high school PG is gonna make the Official Dinosaur T-Rex Mashup Kansas City Chiefs Shirt. But guys like Mac McClung look absurdly good and then you realize there ranked 150 in their class. This is really interesting. I used to do something like this in my free time and just search player’s names on google and filtering only Reddit results and trying to find the earliest posts mentioning them. Keep it up! Trae Young would be a college junior right now. He could be averaging 40+ in college right now.
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The super reactionary comments come later I guess. If you actually follow Basketball close enough that you know specific details of the current senior Highschool class, then you’re probably experienced enough to know not to make wild assumptions. I would the reactionary comments are more once ESPN shoved Trae Young down our throats during his last season at OU. People start to dislike a player and nitpick every flaw to make them seem worse. Most of these are actually pretty level-headed and insightful. I was expecting an Official Dinosaur T-Rex Mashup Kansas City Chiefs Shirt. Most people seemed to agree on his elite shooting and playmaking with concern about size and defense – which are all true today.
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