- I, too, am a Nice Beekeeper Ich Deale Mit 27 Shirt part of the Viking diaspora. I share your pain, and I’ll be thinking of you on November 3, as I watch the orange clown cry. As a Falcons fan and a Democrat, I could use this win as well. If this election goes the way of the last few Falcons games I’m going to have a heart attack. A smarter decision would be to take the morning of the 4th off to let your hangover wear off before you go to work. There will be a lot of drinking I reckon.. it’ll be a college greek party + tailgate + football all rolled into one. Even New Years’ won’t be as big if Biden wins.
- Yeah, Trump has Nice Beekeeper Ich Deale Mit 27 Shirt alienated everyone but his base. The only question that remains is how successful will he be at stealing the election? It’s entirely my fault though, for expecting a shred of decency from just enough GOP members to keep Trump in check. This year people are apparently actively voting against him, doesn’t matter who is on the ticket. That will only happen if people don’t get complacent or think enough people are going to turn out so they can stay home. Assume your vote is the deciding vote in this election. Vote blue, and vote early.
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- I think that a Nice Beekeeper Ich Deale Mit 27 Shirts whatever people say about his rock-solid fanatical fanbase, he’s crossed way too many lines with them in the past 6 months. Impeachment. Pardoning his henchman before he even did any time. Denigrating the troops. Ignoring Russian bounties. anti-constitutional acts. Openly talking about rigging the election. Robbing the country blind to give bailouts to billionaires without any public disclosure. But I think a lot of them would be willing to pretend that wasn’t happening if it weren’t for the virus. People can only be expected to look the other way on that for so long. There’s a significant portion of voters who will never budge because the party positions are purposefully built around wedge issues that provide stable, semi-permanent voting blocs. But I have to believe Trump has done little but spend the past 6 months depressing his own voter turnout. I totally agree. The issue is, his followers are being fed a constant stream of lies and never even see. I’d bet many of them believe that Trump is tough on Russia, there aren’t 200+k dead, and that he’s the best thing to ever happen to the military. Plus, “Dems r bad M’kay?” Please let this be the series finale! Season 8 of got is more watchable than this. I’ll rerun season 8 all 2021 if it means no more trump and his crap.
- Millions are Nice Beekeeper Ich Deale Mit 27 Shirt destitute, hundreds of thousands dead, and he obviously couldn’t care less. They voted him in to disrupt the system – and he has, but not to the benefit of the people who support him. He just keeps trying to ingratiate himself to the 1% he desperately wants to be accepted by. The $750 has to be a pretty significant nail in his coffin. Some of the borderline sociopathic libertarian types will play along with the “it’s just good business, taxes are for suckers” line. But it reveals him to be a con artist who’s spent his career acting better than everyone based on lies. It reveals him Nice Beekeeper Ich Deale Mit 27 Shirt to be the exact type of carpetbagging robber baron politician they hate. You Nice Beekeeper Ich Deale Mit 27 Shirt don’t need the popular vote to win here, unfortunately. Don’t assume vote. I know, but I think he’s going to win most of the battlegrounds. True, I hope Biden is as popular among voters as he seems. I believe if Trump didn’t control the senate, the DOJ, and have big levels of power over Nice Beekeeper Ich Deale Mit 27 Shirt 100 other agencies, being the President, then yeah, he’d get crushed.
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Wendy L –
Bought as a birthday gift for my dad. He loved it!
Jamie –
It’s exactly as advertised. :)
Stephen Black –
Love this shirt – nice and soft!
Jessica L Cherne –
Exactly as pictured
Primal_Solitude –
With this black and yellow shirt, I now fee like one of the hive!