time to plug my yearly October I Had A Life Before I Became A Surgical Technologist Scrub Tech Shirt: A Night in the Lonesome October. 31 chapters written as the “diary” of a watchdog. Every time a full moon falls on October 31, a group of individuals comes together to either open the way for the old gods or keep the way shut to keep the world as it is. The full moon on Halloween in 2020? We’re not going to have to deal with some sort of supernatural bullshit this year are we? The book is filled with classic horror monsters. I love this book and have read it every year since 1995.
I Had A Life Before I Became A Surgical Technologist Scrub Tech Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie

Of course, the full moon will I Had A Life Before I Became A Surgical Technologist Scrub Tech Shirt in 2020. Probably the same year we discover that werewolves are, in fact, real.Us ER nurses have been aware of this day since January….we are not looking forward to it. The full moon (the crazies really do come out), Halloween nonsense, daylight saving times =13h shift, AND it’s a freaking Saturday. The only thing we didn’t plan on when this became a meme at the beginning of the year was they’re being a pandemic to top it off. Can’t wait. Judging by how this year has gone, Halloween night will be the year the Oblivion Gates open up.
Other Product: Funny Surgical Technologist Mouth Scrub Tech Shirt
Olivia Rawlins –
Bought this for my boyfriend, he absolutely loves it.
FloridaSunshine –
I ordered this as a gift for my brother. He loved it and all that read it, know that the saying fits him!
Kim Pierce –
Love it the colors are bright and vibrant and it washes well.
KatMae –
I ordered this shirt for my husband and he loves it.
Amazon Customer –
nice t shirt fast delivery thank you
Leslie –
Got this for one of my sons. He loves it! Its fit is smaller than we expected, going by his usual sizing, but he loves it regardless. Price appropriately reflects quality.
Ralph harvey –
Fits great, I’m 6’2” ,ordered 2x , washed ,dried and still fits.
Mandy –
Nice shirt pretty soft
MM –
Just as described.
Got for my husband.
Kimba –
I bought this for a gift. They loved it.
bridget r –
Thumbs up
Megan –
Loooove! I got my brother 2 different shirts and this was his favorite!! Great shirt!
I get laughs and smiles when I wear this. I of course am warning people.