- A gallon when I was younger to over $4 people should be getting paid better. Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt When the American dollar steadily loses power that means we should get paid more to make up for it. Genuine question If I’m in a skilled job paying 15 an hour and then the min wage is put to 15 an hour. Does that now mean I’m a min wage job? Because if you put the min wage to wage other in skilled jobs earn surely those workers now feel a demand for higher wages I know that sounds aggressively pessimistic. But how can a single fucking person look at the history of our nation, the sheer wealth generated and sustained in post-war America’s investment in itself and its people… Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt and think that the past 10 years of pure bitter spite and stalling is not a sign of decline? Even if you ignore Trump then in turn those above them feel a demand etc and Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt we’re back to square one? Or am I missing something? Is this the same senator that is refusing to get rid of the filibuster out of nostalgia and some sense of unowed duty to another former senator?
- Please recall him citizens of his state. He’s going to be a problem for the next four years judging from how things have gone so far. We should’ve arranged a push for a $20-$25 minimum wage. Then let Manchin et al. “negotiate” it down to $15. That way he gets to have his reputation of StANDing uP Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt To tHe rAdICaLs! ™, and we actually get what we wanted. If there’s going to be political theater, at least negotiate a deal where everyone gets what they want in the backroom beforehand and have everyone agree to the script. How are they still not doing this? It’s been working like a god damn charm for the GOP since Reagan. I support raising the minimum wage, with some Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt exceptions, phasing, automatic increases, and some discussion about what to do with the high cost of living areas, but it should be passed on its own. It is a big deal and should not be slipped into something else. Can someone explain to me how a $15 federal minimum wage would actually work?xc
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- Like, how does it scale on a national level? I work in the public sector, Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt and in my area, we start at around $32k/yr which is right around $15/hr and then our salaries go up from there. We wouldn’t be able to just rip up our collective bargaining agreements and make a big adjustment to our compensation. Even if we could, local governments don’t have the budget flexibility to make a wholesale change. Also, how does it take into account the cost of living variations by the state? $15/hr in my state is hardly a living wage based on housing/living costs, but in a Southern state, it may be adequate. I believe that everyone deserves to make a living wage, but I Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt also believe that there are some jobs that are more important than others and that compensation should reflect that. It’s just such a complex issue that I really can’t wrap my head around a solution. But it’s not that simple. My local government is unwilling, hell even unable, to do that.
- They spend to their budget limit every year. I’d imagine that’s the case in a lot of places. So the only way to increase their budget capacity would be to increase local taxes (business, real estate, etc). It’s either that or they cut their spending (either their services or employee benefits) to Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt pay us more. That would have an adverse effect on the taxpayers. As someone who’s been at that table, we generally have to give something to get something. Then there is the “right to work” States, which is a totally different animal. I think it’s a good compromise. It allows Democrats to actually pass something and it helps millions of people. If we win big in 2022, raise it again. Perfect is the enemy of the good. Lol, welcome to our system, one person can. McConnell did it before, Manchin is doing it now. Manchin and Sinema now run the USA. Take note, world leaders. People who oppose the majority still run this country.
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- I’d challenge any one of these assholes against a living wage to live on minimum Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt wage for a month, they turn over everything they have phone, house car, and have to live like the people they’re trying to short change. I’ll wait here for volunteers. People are literally fighting for crumbs, $15 isn’t even a comfortable living wage but would definitely make a TON of people’s lives better. I can’t believe wanting to keep so many people down in the gutter. Okay, he’s saying 11 in 2 years is better than 15 in 5 but doesn’t Biden’s plan get to 11 in 2 years anyway? And then goes a step further to get 15 in 5? Isn’t what he wants literally in the bill? Am I misunderstanding Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt something? I worked six days a week making 12.50$ an hour. With OT it was over 60k but I was a wage slave and treated like shit, at any moment I could be fired due to seniority. , but like an $11 minimum wage increase with annual bumps for inflation (what Manchin is proposing) is actually not a bad offer. I would also say in the long run we will be better off because of those inflation adjustments every year. Why do progressives always take this position? They think that their policy ideas should be rubber-stamped by everyone in the party who can fog a mirror.
- Years ago we were sold out to foreign interests. In this case Bridgestone. I was Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt working for Olson Tire and then…… The people want a living wage. Let us vote on it instead of these “elected” con artists. These corporations are taking years off our lives. And imagine how bad it will be for our children if we don’t do something about it. They’re literally killing us. Overworked, underpaid, forced to work during pandemic w no hazard or even sick pay, no healthcare. They’re destroying our lives and country so a few can have more than they’ll ever spend in a lifetime. Tax the rich and give it to the real people that do all the work. Capitalism is a scam for the rich. Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt We were under the foot of a turtle for so long. Now it’s fucking Manchin. It’s bullshit that one senator from one state can wield this much power.
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- Of course, there were a lot of states and the Democratic Party itself that screwed that Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt up for us, except for Georgia. Stacy needs to hold a fucking seminar for the rest of the Democrats on how to get people out there to vote so that we don’t have to bow to one fucking person to get shit done. The parties do what they can with the resources and volunteers they’ve got. Stacey Abrams showed up and worked her ass off. But we shouldn’t be waiting for a hero to save us. We should all be volunteering and registering voters. 51 senators are holding this up. 51. Don’t forget that shit. 50 are holding up the rest of the bill and 51 are holding up the minimum wage hike. But sure, Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt let’s blame everything on that one guy. This is how both parties work together, remember all the concessions democrats gave on to republicans on Obamacare only to not receive a single Republican vote for the legislation? Or how convenient it was for the Republicans to blame John McCain for not repealing the very same piece of legislation.
- You’ll need a Jedi ;p Higher wages= less gov programs. Less gov programs mean fewer ” Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt committees” and other bullshit bureaucracy designed to line politicians’ pockets. Where we’ve implemented a 15$ min wage it has been massively successful, it showed an uptick in employment, and most/all of the businesses there have stayed there. Also, they make exceptions for small businesses who can’t afford to pay the wage (or the gov could subsidize these businesses so they can pay the wage as we do for oil and fracking and other businesses that are wrecking our environment). Going to be an unpopular opinion. The $15 minimum wage isn’t being held hostage by one Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt person. It has half the Senators against it already, and Manchin is just the straw that broke the camel’s back. Can we just make the relief bill about relief? Don’t get me wrong I’m all for increasing min wage but right now people need this relief paycheck.
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- And adding in all this other tariff to argue over is just causing it to take longer. I’m not a Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt economist. I don’t know if trickle-down works or trickle-up works, or if $15 is a good idea. What I do know is what we have ain’t working, so let’s try something different. Give the folks $15! Manchin isn’t entirely wrong here. I’ve lived in WV. $15 minimum wage really does not make a lot of sense there. and some form of failed socialist or communist economic policies. This Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt is a textbook example of insanity. So his thinking is that $11 works in his state, so fuck all the other states where $11 isn’t enough? At the very least, you’d think he’d offer an alternative where $11 is the minimum, but then it gets adjusted on a state by state basis like how federal jobs have a minimum but also has a locality adjustment.
- This is exactly the sort of thing I refer to when I’m trying to explain to people Good Dont Act 7 Mum Mother Shirt that, generally, modern politicians are not in their position out of civic duty or some care for their fellow humans. Joe Machin is currently wildly unpopular in his very red home state because he voted his conscience and voted to impeach Trump. He very well may think that the $15 minimum wage or the relief package should pass but has decided that he needs to make some grandstanding Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt position to show his voters that he’d fight for the sort of things they would want. He’s more concerned about maintaining his power than he is about doing the right thing or the welfare of our society as a whole. There are families who have become homeless and people who will die because they haven’t received this next stimulus.. so that Manchin can appease a Great 55 Years Of Arizona Coyotes Shirt portion of his voters and the corporations he serves.
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