- Hell our entire lending industry for the Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt past 100 years has been basing your “value” on how reliably you borrow money. You can not even get a house(sans some cash deal) unless you have a decent history of borrowing and repayment. Not even to mention what happens if you go Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt through a rough patch and need bankruptcy or even miss a few payments. Credit Bureaus will mark you for life over that shit. Anyone interested in this should listen to Behind the Bastards podcast on the Battle of Blair mountain- a mining strike in America escalated to the point where the national guard was called in. The strikers were Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt campaigning for fair wages, and an end to among other things, and I cannot stress this enough their wives and daughters being prostituted by the company to pay debts for company scrip. I think there’s another reason. Basically negative income tax. That would provide an I mean…
- Rich people want the ceiling high and the floor low. They aren’t just rich because they’re at the top, the Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt is also rich because the floor is low. If minimum wage doubles, the floor rises, and their relative mountain of wealth looks just a little bit smaller. Our company does other things to keep us happy, so I told him I was not going anywhere. And I still am not. Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt I guess that if I am completely honest, I could see “11 dollar minimum wage which increases by 1 dollar every 10 months for the next 40 months” as a reasonable compromise. That way it is phased in a LITTLE bit (which as I understand it usually does have SOME benefits for the economy rather than a change all at once), Manchin gets his talking point which… well, if it helps him keep his seat? And easily fit within the bounds of what can actually pass through reconciliation.
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- Sure, he might not be the BEST Democrat Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt for progressive change but he’s still a damn sight better than a Republican…The minimum wage should be done at the state level. I live in an area where you can still get a decent apartment for half of what you can in a place like California or Oregon. It doesn’t make sense to the Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt artificially inflate the cost of labor here. We’re already in the middle of an increase to 12/hr. We don’t need this here. The immediate boon to low-income workers without killing jobs, and easily fit within the bounds of what can actually pass through reconciliation. Democrats Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt would probably fairway better-proposing something like axing the tax cuts for the wealthy, eliminating income tax for those making less than 40k, and increasing low-income tax credits. Basically negative income tax. That would provide an immediate boon to low-income workers without killing jobs.
- The draw of republican fandom Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt continues. None of the democrat’ plans are out of the realm of possibility and all of them would extremely benefit our society in ways we really need right now. But our leadership in Washington doesn’t represent the majority. They rep themselves. The American drive for celebrity we Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt all share is killing the American spirit more now than ever. I don’t really see it ending anytime soon as it’s probably the only strain of national commonality we have as a culture. The seedy underbelly of our nation Great 40 Years Edition May 1981 Shirt used to be the mob. so I imagine the 15.00 increase would get a few laid off to keep inside their payroll range. Who knows what Walmart Good 9 Fully Intend To Haunt Shirt would do since they cut out most checkout people already. Democrats would probably fair way better-proposing something like axing the tax cuts for the wealthy, eliminating income tax for those making less than 40k, and increasing low-income tax credits.
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