In other Funny Assuming I’m Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Vintage Shirt countries, they may force-feed her, but let her starve to death they can 1. Remove one of the opposition heads, 2, deny any responsibility since they can say they were only respecting her wish. I think the moral of the story is, other than knowing women helped terrorists who you are dealing with. That the world is when most people are unable to critically thinking. That the will be forced dictator knows he can get away from like this. As an American, I am humbled by the level of sacrifice she for things we (many of us) take for granted. As an American, I am also scared as hell that sacrifices like hers are the ones.
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Authoritarian states Funny Assuming I’m Just An Old Lady Was Your First Mistake Vintage Shirts doesn’t give a and are happy when you are dead. She wasted her life on nothing. I think the result will either be blame-shifting and propaganda or they’ll start force-feeding anyone who starts hunger strikes, and that is frankly horrifying. It is so ridiculous that Americans are so sorry for a dead terrorist but don’t talk about how black the longest a man are killed in their own lands. So you can go 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, but more than 3 weeks without food if you take vitamins? This is so tragic and unjust but goddamn I respect the hell out of her taking her agency back like that.
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