Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don’t go thinking their philosophy on one matter applies to another. Granted, and this is addressed to those feelings I just hurt, this is different. All we do is waste a few billion $ to build the wall and this is a significantly larger economic impact. But the overall idea that life needs protecting is something that is the foundation of the right. All that’s going on now is the Baby Yoda Real Canadian Superstore Survived Covid-19 2020 Shirt. That’s about 198 million people sick out of 330 million Americans. Using the 3.4% mortality rate that puts the number of deaths at roughly 6.7 million Americans. This idiot is perfectly fine with 6.7 million people in the US dying because we have to be “the adults it the room”.
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I mean, that’s the uncomfortable thing we as a society have to deal with: how willfully ignorant huge chunks of the population. They may be nice guys, hard workers, good family men. But they’re ignorant. And unlike earlier generations, they’re not saying “Well, I’m not a doctor. I’m not a Baby Yoda Real Canadian Superstore Survived Covid-19 2020 Shirt. I better listen to these experts” No, they watch right-wing news that tells you that those people are limp twisted liberal egg heads. Social media memes are where the real stuff that CNN doesn’t want to tell you. As I get older and older I emphasize more and more with comic supervillain and video game end bosses who monologue about how humanity is dangerous and must be controlled.
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Even with a case fatality rate of 1% (twice what Fauci himself said it would normalize at) and 100 million infected (40 million higher than current midrange estimates), that’s still only 100,000 fatalities. And, because people can’t math or stats and just downvote, upwards of 90% are asymptomatic or aren’t bad enough to seek medical care. CFR is based on clinically diagnosed cases only. You guys REALLY need to stop with this hyperbolic nonsense. Yes, the hospitals are going to see a surge… But a Baby Yoda Real Canadian Superstore Survived Covid-19 2020 Shirt is people who didn’t really need to go panicking. Because of the hype and then clogging up ERs. This IS a serious virus. It is NOT going to ‘kill millions’ in the United States.
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