- I mean, the Angry Who 52 Cares Game Show Shirt could simply find permanent free housing for everyone, and the bulk of this crisis would be solved. I’d challenge anyone to cite just one historical example in the last century or more of fear-mongering about national deficits where those fears came to fruition. The national “debt” has never been a problem. Not once. Ever. If the Dems take power, the R’s will fear monger about deficits and obstruct. Just like always. The Dems will spend most of their time complaining about how the previous R administration so much up that we can’t have nice things.
- This is how the Angry Who 52 Cares Game Show Shirt back and forth has gone for decades. It’s a big reason why Trump happened. And I can’t even fathom how Mitch’s faces look like my nut sack after I take a hot shower and throw some Harry Potter glasses on it. If a rising tide really lifts all boats then wealthy people should be overjoyed at getting even richer from a stronger economy. Unless of course it really is a zero-sum game for them since wealth is a relative measure of power between humans. And it is the next generation that will be paying for it with much higher Angry Who 52 Cares Game Show Shirt taxes.
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- In the Angry Who 52 Cares Game Show Shirts mind the country and everyone in it exists only to serve the rich, the idea if the rich giving anything back or contributing in any way would be like trying to describe a 4-dimensional hypercube is so far outside their reality. The end game of capitalism in its current trajectory is one guy owning all the money in the world and the rest of humanity dead. By the way, I am not against capitalism’s best system so far but it’s not long-term sustainable as in hundreds of years without seriously changing some things. Why would McConnell want to pay taxes on all his bribes? You do not need to be a student or have a child who is a student to benefit from public education. Every second of every day of your life, you benefit from public education and so on.
- He’s already paying Angry Who 52 Cares Game Show Shirt through the ass to launder it all. As someone undecided, I’d like us to tax the rich but I feel like it won’t happen ie they flee the country to dodge taxes. California increased taxes on the ultra-rich and they are leaving California in droves. Just don’t see it happening industry will flee to foreign countries to dodge taxes as they did before. We should tax the poor they are Angry Who 52 Cares Game Show Shirt useless anyway and there are a lot more of them. Oh wait, it’s actually here, still. Taxing millionaires more would mean finally going after foundations, stock swaps, and 1031 like-kind real estate exchange. Almost anything else would end up hurting people who aren’t millionaires. Democrats could have done these things in 2009 when they had a supermajority. They just didn’t want to. Even Bernie Sanders preferred plans which raised percentages but avoided discussing these three loopholes in any detail. The reason is simple. Bernie wants to use them to shelter his own net worth just like other Democrats do. Of course, I think it’s Angry Who 52 Cares Game Show Shirt crazy that Trump is even talking about yet another tax cut in 2020 but there is a lot of smoke and mirrors in the tax code.
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